Connor Takes the Castle is back for 2022! Youth groups across the diocese are invited to join the diocesan youth residential at Castlewellan in January next year.
Connor Youth Council is preparing to provide the opportunity for young people to meet together from January 14-16. Applications are open and young people aged 11-18 can sign up to attend.
The cost for the full weekend is £60 and numbers are limited. There is the option to attend for a day trip on the Saturday for £20, including food and a range of exciting activities.
Christina Baillie, Diocesan Youth Officer, said: “We cannot wait to meet together at Castlewellan with young people from across the diocese. Connor Takes the Castle has allowed us to make some great memories over the years and it is a joy to see young people learn, meet new friends and have fun together.
“We recognise that our plans might need to change, but we are working hard to plan a safe and fun event for the young people in our parishes.”
More information about the event and how to sign up is available through the Engage Connor Youth Facebook and Instagram pages.
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