Over the past year, Diocesan Youth Officer Christina Baillie has been busy developing several new resources for use with young people in parishes.
Pursuit has been developed in partnership with Love For Life and supported by funding from the Church of Ireland Priorities Fund. This resource encourages young people to pursue character traits which will shape them to reflect God and have a positive impact upon all their relationships.
Each participant will get a workbook and there is a separate Leader’s Guide to help leaders deliver the sessions. Copies are free and you can get yours by contacting Christina.
Another new resource is The Jesus Sessions, developed by Christina along with Ava Jordan-Curasi (Youth and Children’s Ministry Co-ordinator, Banbridge Parish) and Tim Burns (Diocesan Youth Officer in Down and Dromore).
Christina said: “This is an eight-session guide which gives a foundation to look at the life and ministry of Jesus. The resource looks at themes like fullness of life, Jesus’ justice and generosity. The Jesus Sessions is a pdf Leaders Guide and can be accessed HERE.
“The Jesus Session and Pursuit have been designed to support leaders to have access to high-quality engaging resources which equip leaders to disciple young people. These resources can be adapted to your own context.”
To find out more or access to these resources, please contact Christina on christinabaillie@connordiocese.org.
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