As part of its Covid-safe policy, St Comgall’s Parish Church, Rathcoole, is issuing each child and leader in the various parish youth and children’s organisations with their own personal tub of stationery resources for use in their activities when they meet.
Priest-in-Charge, the Rev Arlene Moore, expressed thanks to Engage Connor Youth for a grant towards the cost of this, and the members of St Comgall’s Select Vestry who picked up the bulk of the tab.
Each tub contains a pack of coloured pencils, a container of felt tips, a small box of crayons, a gluestick, pencil case containing a ruler, pencil, pen, rubber, sharpener, child friendly scissors, and a small roll of sticking tape. Not forgetting a welcome packet of sweeties!
Each child and leader will also have an individualised popper wallet to store any worksheets or colouring in pages.
Arlene said: “Other items may be added to the tubs as needed. All contents will be labelled with the child/leader’s name to avoid confusion and accidental sharing.”
The tubs and their contents will not be taken home, but stay on site to be available for use each week and sanitised after use.
Arlene added: “A child-friendly walkthrough video was also prepared to welcome back all our youth and children’s organisations and to introduce them to the procedures we have in place in line with our Covid policy and risk assessments.
“Clergy, parish readers and organisation leaders alike had fun putting this video together, with the help of several puppet friends dressed and ready to go in their different organisation uniforms.”
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