All set for an outdoor adventure at Connor Takes the Castle 2022 at Shane’s Castle.
It was cold and mucky, but young people from across Connor Diocese had a fantastic experience when they visited Escarmouche Action Park at Shane’s Castle on January 15 (see gallery below).
The event was organised by Christina Baillie, Diocesan Youth Officer, and Connor Youth Council in place of the annual residential which had been scheduled for Castlewellan Castle, but had to be cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Christina Baillie, Diocesan Youth Officer, prepares to welcome young people from across the diocese for the adventure day at Shane’s Castle.
Christina was determined that the Connor Takes the Castle event should still be based in the solid walls of a Castle, and the Escarmouche Action Park, Antrim, proved the perfect venue.
Groups of young people came from All Saints’, Antrim; St Michaels, Belfast; Drummaul; the United Parish of Ballynure and Ballyeaston; St Columba’s, Derryvolgie; St Nicholas’, Carrickfergus and Lisburn Cathedral.
Activities included laser tag, an assault course, tug of war and Connect 4 basketball. As it was a Saturday in the middle of January, it was chilly outside, and everyone was thankful for hot drinks and chips for lunch.
Christina said: “It was fantastic to see so many parishes come together for this event. In particular, I loved seeing connections being made between young people and leaders, and everyone having fun!
“The young people were fantastic at the various activities and really challenged themselves. We were disappointed to cancel the residential weekend, but delighted that we could still get together in a safe way.”
Christina said the Youth Council looked forward to organising more diocesan youth events in the coming months.
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