Engage Connor Youth have announced two events taking place in the diocese on April 10 and 11.
The first is Destination, hosted by Connor Youth Forum on Sunday April 10 from 6.30-8.30pm in St Michael’s Parish, Belfast.
There will be a mix of activities, food and worship, and the event has been planned and co-ordinated by Youth Forum members.
Diocesan Youth Officer Christina Baillie said: “They are really excited to promote connections between parishes and encourage young people meeting others together.”
The following evening, Monday April 11, Engage Connor Youth are partnering with St Patrick’s, Ballymena, for a Youth Worship Night.
This will run from 7.30-9pm and as well as worship, food will be provided and there will be opportunities for young people to connect.
Both events are free to attend and are open to young people aged 11-18. Leaders from each parish are asked to attend along with their young people. To book your place/group, contact Christina at christinabaillie@connordiocese.org.
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