Bishop George Davison and Dean Stephen Forde with some of Connor clergy who attended the Service of Renewal of Ordination Vows in Belfast Cathedral on Maundy Thursday, April 14.
Clergy from across Connor Diocese came together on Maundy Thursday at the invitation of their Bishop for a service in which they renewed their Ordination Vows.
The Service of Holy Communion on April 14 was held in Belfast Cathedral and led by the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison.
Welcoming those who had attended from every corner of the diocese, Bishop George said: “I am very conscious that we had have a couple of very challenging years and also of the busyness of this season. For these reasons, it is important for us to draw aside as clergy called to serve, to remind ourselves of the heart of our call and to share in Holy Communion together.
“I invite you to take time simply to be quiet, to know God’s presence and together we will renew our vows of ordination to serve Christ.”
Readings were from 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 and John 13: 1-17. Bishop George gave the sermon, and the service was followed by refreshments, giving clergy an opportunity to reconnect in the wake of the global pandemic.
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