The Representative Church Body, the Church of Ireland’s central trustee body, has approved guidance for local churches seeking to accommodate refugees from Ukraine in both jurisdictions on the island of Ireland.
This is now available in the Parish Resources section of the Church of Ireland website.
Introducing the guidance, the Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Rev John McDowell, and the Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Rev Dr Michael Jackson, write: “As part of the Church of Ireland’s response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in the Ukraine, the Property Committee of the RCB has developed most helpful guidelines for members of the Church of Ireland who wish to respond either as individual clergy or as parishes to Ukrainian people who now find themselves in Ireland.
“While the document speaks for itself, one of the key elements in encouraging such outreach is the safety and wellbeing of all who participate in giving and receiving assistance in this time of human tragedy and devastation.
The Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Rev John McDowell, and the Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Rev Dr Michael Jackson
“We draw particular attention to the Emergency Approval Process which will speed up decision making in a situation where human need accelerates daily.
“We commend this timely initiative and encourage all members of the Church of Ireland to avail of opportunities to serve the needs of displaced persons from Ukraine in whatever ways are humanly possible.”
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