Enjoying the food and chatter at the Retired Clergy Association (NI) annual buffet lunch at Tullyglass House, Ballymena.
After an absence of three years due to pandemic restrictions, the Retired Clergy Association (Northern Ireland) resumed its annual lunch on Wednesday May 25.
A total of 47 people including retired clergy, a number of spouses, and clergy widows, came together in Tullyglass House, Ballymena.
The clergy widows who were guests of the Retired Clergy Association (NI) at the annual lunch at Tullyglass House, Ballymena.
Clergy widows are traditionally invited to the lunch as guests of the Association and in his opening remarks, the chairman, Canon Ken Smyth, particularly welcomed the clergy widows, referring to the valued contribution which they and their late husbands had made to the parishes in which they had served and to the wider Church.
Committee members were pleased to welcome some new members and spouses who had not been present at previous lunches.
The buzz echoing through the restaurant bore testimony to the much-anticipated return of the lunch, as those present not only enjoyed a lovely buffet meal but also took the opportunity to reconnect with three years’ personal, family and church news.
The RCA (NI) lunch is back with a bang!!
Report and pictures by the Rev Clifford Skillen.
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