Flashback to Streetreach 2019 in Mossley Parish, which – following a two-year gap due to the pandemic, is also hosting this year’s event.
Connor Youth Council is on the hunt for a new parish to partner with the young people to host Streetreach in 2023 and 2024.
Streetreach is a missional event provided by Connor Diocese offering young people the opportunity to practically serve in a parish, grow in their faith and be able to share their faith with others.
Streetreach can be a blessing to a parish as the partnership seeks to facilitate opportunities for young people and to engage with the local community.
Since the first Streetreach in 2015, the diocese has committed to partnering with a parish for two years. Streetreach runs from the Tuesday evening (following Summer Madness finishing in the morning) to the Friday evening. In 2023 it will run from July 4-7.
Parishes who are interested in applying are welcome to visit Streetreach which is running this year in partnership with Mossley Parish from July 5-8. Please contact Diocesan Youth Officer Christina Baillie christinabaillie@connordiocese.org to arrange a visit.
What Streetreach requires from a parish:
Closing Date for applications is Friday September 16 2022.
The Streetreach sub-group will meet to discuss the applications and may wish to follow up with parishes for further discussion or arrange a visit before a final decision is made.
For queries, please contact Christina on 07753312405 or at the email address above.
You can access more information and apply HERE.
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