Rosemary’s Camino walk for South Belfast Foodbank

Friday July 15th 2022

Dr Rosemary Black in Santiago at the end of her Camino walk.

Dr Rosemary Black, a parishioner of St John’s, Malone, this month walked the Camino Frances from Sarria to Santiago de la Compostela in Galithia in Spain – a distance of 117km.

On ‘The Way.’

In completing this challenge, Rosemary has to date raised £1928.75 for South Belfast Foodbank, part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust. Rosemary has volunteered with the Foodbank for the past five years since retiring as a hospital doctor.

Accompanied by her daughter Lucy, Rosemary walked the Camino from July 3-9.  Having suffered from arthritis and undergoing a hip replacement six years ago, she said the walk was both a personal challenge and a celebration of the fact that, due to surgery, she could now manage it.

A stone pilgrim on the Camino.

Rosemary thanked everyone who sponsored her, saying the funds raised will help South Belfast Foodbank continue its work and provide food for many individuals and families over the months to come. Donations can still be made HERE.

You will be able to read more about the challenges and rewards of Rosemary’s Camino walk in the next issue of our diocesan magazine Connor Connections which will be published in October.



Rosemary and her daughter Lucy at the 100km marker.


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