Bishop George Davison in St Patrick’s, Ballymena, for the rededication of the Church following major works.
The Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison, formally rededicated St Patrick’s Parish Church, Ballymena, on Sunday September 4, following major building works to remove a dry rot infestation.
Bishop George joined parishioners, representatives of the project’s major contractors and community leaders for the morning service.
The rector, the Rev Canon Mark McConnell, said: “This represents a wonderful achievement, in difficult times – most of the fundraising and work was carried out while Covid-19 restrictions were still in place – and many were rightly thanked for all their hard work, generosity and encouragements along the duration of the project.”
He continued: “Bishop George thoughtfully provoked all present to consider what following Christ means from the various strong images within Luke Chapter 14.”
Anyone who would like to visit St Patrick’s Church can contact the Church Office on 028 2563 0741 or come along worship any Sunday (see Ballymena Parish Facebook page for details).
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