The Rev Adrian Halligan, front centre, with his wife Wendy, right, and daughter Abigail, left. Also in the picture are, back row from left: The Rev Canon William Taggart, registrar and the Ven Paul Dundas, Archdeacon of Dalriada; and middle row, from left: The Rev David Ferguson; Bishop George Davison and Dean John Bond.
The Rev Adrian Halligan was instituted as rector of the Grouped Parishes of Craigs, Dunaghy and Killagan at a service in Craigs Parish Church on Thursday October 13.
Adrian has been priest-in-charge of the parish since September 2018. He is married to Wendy and they have one daughter, Abigail.
A former Telecommunications Engineer, Adrian was ordained a deacon in January 2011 in All Saints’ Parish Church, Antrim.
He served as curate in All Saints’ and was ordained there as priest in November 2011. He did his first curacy in Antrim before moving to Skerry, Rathcavan and Newtowncrommelin in Broughshane for three years. During this time, he transferred from Non-Stipendiary to Stipendiary Ministry.
Adrian said: “It was a lovely night for the community as well as for the parishes. They have known me for a few years, but it was wonderful that the parishes joined together to see the fruits of their work.”
The Very Rev John Bond, former Dean of Connor, was the preacher at the Service of Institution.
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