The Rev Arlene Moore and the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison, at the Service of Introduction in All Saints, Craigyhill, on October 18.
The Rev Arlene Moore was introduced as priest-in-charge of Kilwaughter and Cairncastle with All Saints, Craigyhill, at a service in All Saints’ Church on Tuesday October 18.
Arlene was previously part-time priest-in-charge of Rathcoole. She grew up in Glynn and later lived in Craigyhill, before moving to Antrim. She has a BSc Joint Hons in Biochemistry and Pharmacology from Dundee University. Arlene worked in cancer research in the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics at Aberdeen University before qualifying with a PGCE and teaching in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
She was accepted for ordination in 1992 and during her time at Theological College developed a love of world mission, completing an elective placement in South East Asia. Overseas trips continued throughout Arlene’s curacy years in St Mark’s, Portadown.
At the Service of Introduction in All Saints, Craigyhill, on October 18, are, from left: The Rev Canon William Taggart, Registrar; the Rev Arlene Moore, new priest-in-charge of Kilwaughter and Cairncastle with All Saints, Craigyhill; the Rev Alan Lorimer, Methodist Church in Ireland, who preached; Bishop George Davison; the Rev Canon Mark Taylor, Rural Dean; and the Ven Paul Dundas, Archdeacon of Dalriada.
Moving to England in 1999, Arlene worked as a research assistant in a second curacy at St Thomas’ Crookes (Sheffield), and then in disabled student support work as an assistant lecturer in both Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam Universities whilst studying for various further qualifications, including two Masters’ degrees
Returning to Northern Ireland in 2009, Arlene took up the role of full time NHS chaplain in both the Mater and Musgrave Park Hospitals and priest-in-charge in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Monkstown. In 2016, she moved to St Comgall’s, Rathcoole, as part-time priest-in-charge whilst training in the Facilitation of Lectio Divina and qualifying as a Spiritual Director.
The preacher at the Service of Introduction in All Saints, Craigyhill, was the Rev Alan Lorimer, minister in Jennymount, Belfast North, with the Methodist Church in Ireland, and a former colleague of Arlene when she was in Monkstown Parish.
Arlene was introduced by the Rt Rev George Davison, Bishop of Connor.
All Saints’ Church, Craigyhill, begins to fill up for the Service of Introduction of the Rev Arlene Moore on October 18.
All Saints’ Church, Craigyhill.
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