The Commission on Ministry is organising a Vocation Retreat taking place from January 27-29, 2023, at the Dromantine Centre near Newry.
Bookings are open until December 23 and the retreat is open to people with an interest in ordained ministry from all around the Church of Ireland.
The Commission on Ministry writes: “The word ‘vocation’ means calling. It is a dialogue in which God calls and we listen. Each of us is unique and God calls each one of us in a unique way. In the Church of Ireland ordained ministry is a particular calling to ministry, one which as a church we value highly.
“For some, the calling to ordination is a moment of decision, for others it is a lengthy process, extending over months and years. We may hear a gentle voice inside us asking questions or we may be prompted by others asking questions of us. What is important is that we take time to listen to God’s voice. One way in which we may allow God to speak to us about vocation is to attend a retreat where we can meet with others who have heard and responded to that call or to meet with those who are questioning their own sense of vocation.
“As part of its commitment to develop ministry, and endorsed by the House of Bishops, the Commission on Ministry is organising a series of events to encourage vocations to the ordained ministry within the Church of Ireland.
“This retreat is for those who may just be beginning to ask whether God is calling them to the ordained ministry. It is also for those who may be further along the road. Wherever you are on the journey, coming to a retreat to hear others talk about their experiences, learning what that might mean for you personally and practically and, above all, allowing God to speak to you, may just clarify that decision for you. The retreat will be a mixture of informal talks, practical guidance, discussion and times of quiet, all held in the beautiful surroundings of Dromantine Retreat and Conference Centre, near Newry, Co Down.”
Guest Speaker is the Rt Rev Jill Duff, who has been Bishop of Lancaster, a Suffragan Bishop in the Diocese of Blackburn, from June 2018. She is a sought-after conference speaker with a particular interest in enabling people to identify their calling and enter into the fullness of everything that God has for them. Prior to becoming Bishop, Jill served as Vocations Development Advisor in the Diocese of Liverpool and then as the first Director of St Mellitus College, North West.
Throughout the retreat there will be times of worship and times for silence and personal reflection. There will also be opportunity for informal chats with members of the clergy and members of the Commission on Ministry.
Cost: Participants are asked for a contribution towards costs of €75/£65. The retreat is financed through the Commission on Ministry.
Getting there: Dromantine is situated just outside Newry on the A1.
If you are interested in attending and would like to know more, please contact Judy Peters at
To make a booking, please fill out the booking form (in Microsoft Word format) and email to by Friday December 23 2022.
Payment can be made electronically through the Representative Church Body, and banking details will be made available on receipt of the booking form.
‘Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.” Ephesians 4 v 11-12
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