Parishes across Connor Diocese will be celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III with special services and other events.
Here are just some of the activities that will be taking place. To include your parish event, please send the details to Karen at
On Sunday May 7 at 10.30am, Lisburn Cathedral will hold a Coronation Celebration Service and Lunch. The following Sunday, May 14 at 7pm, the Cathedral will host an interdenominational Coronation Celebration Service with the Lisburn city centre churches on behalf of Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council. The preacher will be the Rev Canon Derek Kerr, a member of the chapter in Lisburn Cathedral, and a well-known Royal enthusiast, as well as vicar of Drummaul, Duneane and Ballyscullion.
St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, will mark the Coronation in two special ways. King Charles has asked that on the eve of his Coronation, the prayers of the peoples of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and beyond will be offered to God for the reign he has begun in our name. Belfast Cathedral will hold a special Service of Choral Evensong with Prayers for the King at 5.30pm on Friday May 5.
On Sunday May 7, St Anne’s will mark the Coronation in a very different way. Dean Stephen Forde said: “Across the land on the Sunday of Coronation weekend, people will be coming together in villages, town and cities, in parks, halls and at street parties to share in ‘The Big Coronation Lunch.’
“We at Belfast Cathedral plan to have a ‘Lunch in the Nave,’ which will follow our Sunday morning Eucharist. With tables in place at the West End of the Cathedral, we are inviting all the members of the Cathedral family to join us for a ‘pot luck lunch.’
Those who take part are asked to bring sandwiches, salads, cakes or deserts on the day to share with all who are present. The Dean added: “In this way, the menu will be a surprise, only to be revealed when we all sit down together. While this is something that has never been tried before at the Cathedral, we hope that everyone will enter into the spirit of the occasion, for a Coronation Sunday that will be remembered for years to come.”
Holy Trinity, Portrush, invites you to come along on Sunday May 7 at 6.30pm for a service of thanksgiving and reflection celebrating the King’s Coronation.
Larne, Inver, Glynn and Raloo is holding special commemorative services on Sunday May 7 at the following times: 10am St Cedma’s, 11.30am St John’s, Glynn and 11.30am St Columba’s, Gleno.
Parishioners in Carnmoney can enjoy a ‘knife and fork lunch,’ starting at 12.15pm on Sunday May 7, to celebration the Coronation, and this will be followed by entertainment. Tickets are £10 for adults and children with a ticket eat for free. This event is supported by funding from Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council.
St Polycarp’s Parish Church held a celebration for the Coronation on Sunday May 1 following the church service, when members of The Church of the Epiphany and St Polycarp’s enjoyed cake and refreshments. A quiz and crowns were provided and a draw was made to win a ‘mini King’ figure beautifully knit by Carol Stephens.
St Colmgall’s, Rathcoole, is holding a Service of Thanksgiving at 11 am on May 7, followed by a Royal Tea Party with finger buffet, celebration cake and a free commemorative coronation gift for all.
Magheragall Parish Church is hosting a Service of Thanksgiving at 11am, followed by a Big Coronation Lunch at 12.30pm. Children are invited to dress as kings, queens, princes or princesses, and there will be a prize for the best dressed. This event has been made possible through funding from Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council.
In Antrim, All Saints’ Parish Church will be holding a Celebration Service for the Coronation at 11.30am on Sunday May 7, followed by a buffet lunch in the Parish Centre.
Agherton Parish Church, Portstewart, is holding a Coronation Picnic in the church grounds after the church service at approximately 12.15pm on Sunday May 7. This is a community event and everyone is very welcome to bring their picnic and the church will supply the tea, coffee, cake and cupcakes!
Cairncastle with All Saints’, Craigyhill Parish is holding a Special Service of Holy Communion to mark the Coronation on Sunday May 7 in both All Saints’, Craigyhill, (10am) and St Patrick’s, Cairncastle (11.30am). There will be a Coronation special Messy Church on Sunday May 14 from 2-3.30pm in All Saints’ Halls. All welcome
Christ Church, Lisburn is holding Morning Worship at 11.30am on May 7 to mark the Coronation, when the men’s and parish choirs will sing two pieces. The service will be followed by tea party and activities for all ages in the parish hall and grounds. To book a place at the tea party, contact the parish hall.
St Jude’s, Muckamore, will be hosting an afternoon tea party with fun and games for all the family following the 11.30am Service of Holy Communion on Sunday May 7.
The Parishes of St Aidan, St Simon and St Mary Magdelene will hold a special service to mark the Coronation at 11.30am in St Simon’s, Donegall Road, and this will be followed by a Tea Party to which all are welcome.
Parishes within Mid Belfast Rural Deanery will hold a joint service in St Andrew’s, Glencairn, at 11am, on May 7, followed by a garden party in the community garden.
Dunluce Parish, Bushmills, will be holding a street party on Sunday May 7 in the Parish Centre after the church service which starts at 11am. Children in the parish Sunday School will all receive a commemorative King Charles mug.
Derriaghy Parish will have a service of Holy Communion on May 7 at 11am during which parishioners will mark the King’s Coronation, with the choir singing a special piece in honour of the occasion. The service will be followed by a tea party and activities in the rectory grounds.
A special Coronation service will be held in Cloughfern Parish on Sunday May 7 at 11am. The following day, Monday May 8, Cloughfern is running a special event in the church hall for parishioners and their family/friends, as well as outside groups who use the parish facilities on a regular basis. This begins at 11.30am with drinks on arrival, and lunch at 12.30. There will be different activities for all throughout the event. As this is council funded, the parish is able to offer the event free of charge.
St Paul’s Parish, Lisburn, will be holding a special Service of Thanksgiving with Communion on Sunday May 7 at 11.30am to celebrate the Coronation. This will be followed by a celebratory afternoon tea in the Parish Centre.
The focus of the Coronation weekend in St Patrick’s, Jordanstown, is on Saturday May 6, when the Church Hall will be open from 10:30am for a live-streaming of the Coronation itself. This will be followed by a light lunch and tea dance from noon until 2pm. Feel free to bring your own ‘refreshments’ and please sign up in Church or SPACE or contact the Church Office so the organisers know how many are coming.
Celebrations in St Columba’s, Derryvolgie, begin on Thursday May 4, when the parish hosts a free event from 6pm-8pm, with fun, food an entertainment for everyone. The event is funded by Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council.
As the vicar of Drummaul, Duneane and Ballyscullion, the Rev Canon Derek Kerr, will be on the Mall in London on Coronation Day, the parish held an early celebration of the Coronation, with a fun night in Drummaul Parish Hall on April 14. There was food, fellowship and music from Kellswater Flute Band, and Sylvia and Rachel Lutton. We hope to catch up with Derek on his return from London.
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