Browsing the artwork at the Dunluce Parish Art and Photography Exhibition. Picture: David Johnston.
The organisers of the 14th annual Dunluce Parish Art and Photography Exhibition have thanked everyone who supported the event, held in the Parish Centre over the weekend of April 28-May 1.
They expressed gratitude to the artists, the public, sponsors of the raffle prizes and the volunteers who staffed the exhibition. [Photo gallery below]
The exhibition, featuring 222 works by 57 artists and photographers from the north coast and further afield, was opened by Ross Wilson, one of Ireland’s leading artists and sculptors, who has links to Bushmills.
Visitors to the exhibition were able to call into the ‘Drawing Room’ café where they could catch up with friends over tea, coffee and homemade treats.
Over the years, the exhibition has raised many thousands of pounds, last year giving almost £2,500 to the Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal for Ukraine. Nominated charities this year are the Bishops’ Appeal and the Friends of Pavestone Centre, Coleraine.
The organisers say the exhibition was highly successful both socially and financially, and the amount raised for the two charities being supported this year will be confirmed shortly.
Photographs by David Johnston and Billy Creighton.
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