Pictured at the launch of the programme for Bangor Worldwide 2023 is Keith McIlwaine, BW committee member; Steph Devlin from New Irish Arts; Dr Sinclair Ferguson, guest speaker; Lesley Stewart, BW Secretary; and Ruth Manning, BW committee member.
Bangor Worldwide has released details of its programme planned for its Convention week which runs from August 18-26.
The highlight will be the Northern Ireland and Ireland première of If prison walls could speak, a play run in partnership with Release International and performed by the Artless Theatre Company.
The one-man hybrid multimedia performance production will first be performed in Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church on Saturday August 19, the base for the majority of the Convention events, and will tour during the week.
This is a play about the imprisonment of a Christian believer in a Sudanese jail and due to the nature of the content, is only suitable for children over 12. Tickets need to be purchased online (£5) from the website in advance and numbers are limited.
Speaking at the launch events this week, Chairman Tom Clarke said: “Our theme for 2023 is Arise Shine – from Isaiah 60 verses 1- 3 and referred to again in many places in the New Testament. This is clearly an important instruction which Christians must take seriously and hence the focus it is being given in this year’s Convention.
“Each year, Bible teaching forms a core element of Bangor Worldwide and this year we are delighted that Dr Chris Wright will be leading the studies each morning from Monday to Friday at 11.30am. These are preceded by the daily prayer meetings which are led each time by one of our speakers.
“The majority of the events will be held at Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church but there are also events in the neighbouring Baptist Church as well as in Dublin, Drumreagh, Lurgan and Magherafelt. In addition, we are livestreaming some of our meetings to hubs across the country – an exciting extension of the reach of Worldwide during Convention week.
“Also for the first time we will have a presence at Bangor seafront during Convention week in the shape of the Gospel Truck, a ministry of Faith Mission. It is well worth a visit.”
There are specific events for young adults on both Fridays as well as a special Equip Gathering on Saturday August 19 in 1st Bangor Presbyterian Church. A ladies’ afternoon tea event will take place in Bangor Parish Church on Thursday August 24 featuring Naomi Dudgeon from Faith Mission and Kate Namate from ShineHisLight in Kenya.
St Saviour’s Church in Dollingstown, Lurgan, will host the play on Sunday August 20 at 6.30pm. Registration will be required for certain events such as seminars via the Bangor Worldwide website.
At the launch events in Hamilton Road Baptist Church, Bangor and at leaders’ brunches in Bangor and Union Theological College, Belfast, Dr Sinclair Ferguson gave an overview of the summer programme.
For more information on all the events taking place during the convention, visit the website or follow on social media (@BangorWorldwide on Instagram and Twitter, Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention on Facebook).
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