A Service of Thanksgiving celebrating the 60th anniversary of Derryvolgie Parish was held in St Columba’s Parish Church on Sunday October 1.
The Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison, joined parishioners and friends for the service which gave thanks for the faithful witness of so many over the last 60 years in the life of the parish.
The weekend’s celebrations also included a very successful afternoon tea and exhibition on the Saturday, the proceeds of which went towards the new building fund.
It was in July 1963 that both the Diocese of Connor and the RCB gave permission for the brand-new parish of Derryvolgie to be created. The Rev Bertram Livingston was tasked with the job of establishing and rooting this parish into this local community.
The current rector, the Rev James Boyd, said: “We were born in what is now the Mace shop on the Moss Road before moving to our current site.
“It is great to see the parish developing and growing in so many ways, not just numerically but also as we deepen our faith together, growing in our relationship with God and one another.”
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