Lisburn and Derriaghy Mothers’ Union annual service was held in Christ Church, Derriaghy, on October 11.
The Rev Aaron McAlister, rector of Derriaghy, led the service. Bronwen Dark and Barbara Farr read the lessons, Melanie McAlister led prayers.
Following the service, supper was served in the parish hall and Margaret Nelson gave the vote of thanks to all those who helped.
The address was based on the lessons from Genesis and Luke, one about formation, the other about transformation.
Aaron said: “I encouraged the ladies to think of themselves as activists, seeking to transform the lives of those the organisation is designed to serve. Whilst that is a goal of MU, it had to begin with the formation of the relationship between each member and God and allow that to transform them.”
Moira Thom took the opportunity to advocate a small booklet produced by MU that highlights the various endeavours MU is active in in order to better inform the general church body and others about these activities and to encourage the ladies within local branches to see that they play a big part. The booklet was produced by Connor Mother’s Union.
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