FUEL resources.
The Church of Ireland’s Day of Prayer for Young People and Youth Ministry, which is held on the Sunday before Advent each year, is coming up on Sunday November 26.
Ahead of this event, the Church of Ireland Youth Department (CIYD) has relaunched its FUEL resource, to encourage young people to get to know more about God as they read his words in the Bible.
FUEL leads each young person through 25 days of readings, running through Advent and up to Christmas, with space to answer questions and to respond creatively.
The readings cover four themes:
FUEL is also accompanied by a prayer journal for creatively listening and responding to what God is saying, with room to think and write about what makes a prayer a prayer, why we pray, prayer requests, what helps us pray and what stops us from praying, and answers to prayer.
National Youth Officer Simon Henry says: “These resources are timely to help and encourage young people to focus on developing their own personal walk with God and learn more about Jesus in a season when we can get distracted by so much else.”
If you’d like to get copies for your church, please contact your Diocesan Youth Officer or Youth Council representative or email barbara@ciyd.org
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