SERVE graduates 2023.
Another four young leaders in Connor have completed the SERVE course in preparation for continuing to lead in their local parishes!
SERVE is our Diocesan young leaders’ course for young people aged 15 and up. Through the autumn term, the group met over eight sessions to discuss different aspects of Christian leadership and get involved in tasks to develop their leadership abilities.
There was an opportunity to do different spiritual disciplines, lead a book review, learn more about how Jesus led and deliver a short talk!
This year, young people from All Saints’, Antrim, Lisburn Cathedral, Church of the Holy Spirit Mossley and St Brigid’s, Glengormley, took part in SERVE.
The SERVE course is delivered in partnership with the Hub, the Church of Ireland and Methodist residency at Queen’s University Belfast. Oliver Baird, Community Team Lead at the Hub, co-led the course with Christina Baillie, Connor Diocesan Youth Officer.
Celebrating completing the SERVE course.
Christina said: “We were delighted with the four young leaders’ participation in the course over the past few months. They have stepped out of their comfort zone and grown as leaders. We can’t wait to see how they continue to serve in their local parishes and in other ways in the coming years!
“We’re grateful for the partnership with the Hub and it’s been great to have Oliver leading along with me week by week as well as different students from Connor Diocese and beyond involved at different parts of the SERVE course.”
Another SERVE course will be run in 2024 so if you are interested or know of any young people who would benefit from the course, please get in touch with Christina on for more information.
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