Eleanor Ellison and Eleanor McSeveney display a quilt depicting one of the beautiful Victorian encaustic tiles in St Cedma’s.
The Parish Piecemakers quilting group from St Cedma’s, Larne, are delighted to have been asked to hang an exhibition of work in the Carnegie Museum and Arts Centre in Larne from Good Friday, March 29 until April 27.
The centre is open weekdays from 10am-4pm including Easter Monday and Tuesday and Saturday March 30 and April 6 and 27.
On Saturday April 6, you can have a full quilting day out – St Cedma’s Church will be open between 10.30am and 12 noon for visitors to see the Easter Quilts created for the church in 2019 and can then move on to the Carnegie where they are holding a special celebration for Carnegie Day – in addition to the quilt display, there will be a range of events for both adults and children between 1pm and 3pm.
The display will show individual pieces from the current members together with a number of group projects stitched specially for this event. These include examples of the beautiful Victorian encaustic tiles as seen pictured above with Eleanor Ellison and Eleanor McSeveney – stalwarts not only of the St Cedma’s Parish but also of the Piecemakers group.
Eleven members together recreated one of Norman Wilkinson’s iconic 1930s tourist posters of the promenade in Larne.
The poster was chopped up into 20 squares with each member taking two to recreate in fabric and then the eleventh member put them all back together!
Annie Greenlee and Joan Treacy proudly display the recreation of one of Norman Wilkinson’s iconic 1930s tourist posters of the promenade in Larne.
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