The Church of Ireland Youth Department (CIYD) has thanked everyone who has so far taken the time to complete the online survey for its youth work audit.
The research project is seeking to assess the full picture of how youth ministry takes place across the Church.
National Youth Officer Simon Henry said: “Can I please encourage clergy, youth workers and key volunteers to assist us with completing our online research survey for youth ministry?
“The data collected will benefit the whole Church, and of course individual dioceses, so we can see an accurate landscape of youth ministry across the island and be challenged to better serve our young people and grow them in Christian faith and discipleship.”
It’s essential that enough parishes complete the survey to ensure that the results give an accurate and representative picture of youth ministry in parishes across the Church of Ireland, and all parishes are encouraged to take the time to fill in the survey accurately between now and the submission deadline of Friday July 12 2024.
If anyone has any questions or queries with regards to the survey, or needs the link to the survey to be emailed to them again, or needs assistance in completing it, please contact Olive Good at or on 00 353 87 245 1310.
The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete.
Simon added: “We look forward to hearing what you tell us, so we can support you in the best way possible going forward.”
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