Don Howe with a copy of ‘Love God and Love One Another.’
Don Howe, a member of St Nicholas Church, Carrickfergus, and vice-chairman of the interdenominational Divine Healing Ministries, has published a book entitled Love God and Love One Another.
In writing Love God and Love One Another, Don says he is giving thanks to God. “This book is not about me; it is about getting people to be stronger in their faith and about helping them come to faith. It is an easy read,” he said.
In a foreword to the book, Bishop Ken Clarke writes: This book is Don’s story and with honesty and passion he shares about his life, faith and priorities.”
The Bishop adds: “Thank you Don for this book. It is never to draw attention to yourself, but rather to point us all to the one who loves us more than anyone else, the one who taught us to love God and love one another.”
Love God and Love One Another is available from Divine Healing Ministries ( or you can order a copy directly from Don at or call him on 07977 911421. The proceeds of the sale of the books are for Divine Healing Ministries.
You can read more of Don’s story in the forthcoming June issue of our diocesan magazine Connor Connections.
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