Bishop George during his visit to the Kilbride ‘Watchmen,’ along with the Rev John McClure who is looking after Kilbride Parish during the current vacancy.
The Kilbride Parish ‘Watchmen’ finished off their season on Monday May 20 with an enjoyable evening in the company of the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison.
Bishop George was interviewed by David Holmes, Kilbride Parish Reader, who put a number of questions to him relating to his early life in Belfast, his faith and his calling to become a minister.
Other questions related to his service in the Church of Ireland in general, the problems that all denominations have in falling numbers at church of both adults and children and the societal reasons for many of them, and his experience of meeting the King and Queen in St Anne’s following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
This very relaxed evening ended with tea and a chat.
Refreshments following the Kilbride Parish ‘Watchmen’ event.
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