Archdeacon Stephen McBride and the Very Rev Sean Emerson.
On Wednesday May 22, the Ven Dr Stephen McBride, vicar of Antrim and Archdeacon of Connor, was the first speaker at St Comgall’s and St Joseph’s Novena in Antrim.
He first preached in St Comgall’s in 2004 and said he was delighted to be invited to take part in the parish’s latest Novena.
Archdeacon McBride and the Very Rev Sean Emerson, parish administrator, first worked together in 1990 when Stephen was rector of St Peter’s Parish in Belfast and Sean was parish priest in the Holy Family group of parishes.
In his address to this year’s Novena, Archdeacon McBride gave a resume of the progress that has been made in Antrim over the past 20 years through the input and encouragement of the local churches.
He said that in 2004, following a spate of sectarian attacks on Catholic families in Antrim, some of the town’s clergy visited the PSNI District Commander to see what could be done to lower the tension in some of the local housing estates.
That initial meeting was the catalyst which led to the formation of Antrim Community Safety Partnership, the first such partnership in Northern Ireland. It had representatives from the Borough Council, PSNI, churches, Housing Executive and community activists. The churches also formed a Civic Forum which helped to reduce the number of flags being flown in public places and outside churches and schools.
As chaplain to the Antrim branch of the Royal British Legion, Archdeacon McBride encouraged a reorganisation of the town’s annual Remembrance Service and now the clergy from Antrim Parish are made welcome and take part in the service.
In 2004, the first Antrim Churches Good Friday Walk of Witness took place. The walk begins in Antrim Methodist, proceeds to All Saints’, Antrim, then on to Antrim Christian Fellowship Church, St Comgall’s, ending up in High Street Presbyterian Church.
The Archdeacon said that after 19 walks (one was missed due to Covid), it is testimony to the good relationships within Antrim’s churches that more than 250 people take part in the walk.
Archdeacon McBride said that he was delighted with the warmth of the welcome he received from the parishioners at the Novena.
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