Ten confirmed at Whitehead-Islandmagee Parish

Tuesday May 28th 2024

Confirmation Service in St John’s Parish Church, Whitehead.

A Confirmation Service held at St John’s Church, Islandmagee, saw 10 candidates being confirmed by Bishop Kenneth Clarke recently.

Many family, friends and parishioners from St Patrick’s, Whitehead and St John’s, Islandmagee, attended to give their support and encouragement, as did the newly formed St Patrick’s Church Choir.  The Bishop made everyone feel welcome and his humour served to embrace and draw everyone in to the important Christian truths he had to share with the congregation

Austin Jenkins is confirmed during the service in St John’s, Whitehead.

There were lots of highlights during the service, with 21-year-old Queen’s University student Marc McCausland giving a very positive testimony about his faith and the way God is working in his life, and later in the service a solo was bravely sung by 12-year-old Alicia Rainey during one of the choir pieces.

In addition to the Confirmation, Holy Communion was also served.

The 10 members of the parish who were confirmed at the service on Sunday April 14 were: Sophie Henderson, Devyn Henderson, Joyce Martin, Alicia Rainey, Jo Pawson, Marc McCausland, Campbell Coles, Lilah Tilson, Austin Jenkins and David Young.

Many thanks to Bishop Ken for leading the service at short notice, after Bishop George Davison was unable to attend due to a family bereavement, and to Canon Mark Taylor, rector of the parish, for co-ordinating everything.

A special thanks to the choir and leader Loreto McAuley, for the music and to all those ladies who prepared and served the supper that followed.

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