Ballycastle celebrates rector’s ordination milestone

Tuesday June 4th 2024

Presentation to the Rev David Ferguson and his wife Margaret on June 2.

On Sunday June 2, the Parish of Ramoan and Culfeightrin, Ballycastle, celebrated 20 years since the Rev David Ferguson was ordained to the ministry and 13 years of his service to the parish.

Bespoke napkin celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Rev David Ferguson’s ordination.

The congregation surprised David with a generous gift and flowers for his wife Margaret, with two of the young members making the presentations.

The service was followed by the annual barbecue which was enjoyed by around 140 parishioners and guests, and all of David’s family and grandchildren joined in the celebrations.

June 2 was also prizegiving day for A.R.K. (Active Ramoan Kids) and the parish Youth Fellowship. They shared a video of all they had been doing and learning throughout the year and then challenged the congregation to a biblical quiz.

Sharing a meal in the Parish of Ramoan and Culfeightrin following the service.

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