Members of CITI class of 1984 celebrate anniversary

Thursday June 27th 2024

Marking the 40th anniversary of their Ordination to the Deaconate are: Back row from left: Rev C Hall-Thompson, the Rev Canon N Baylor, the Rev B Payne, the Very Rev N Crossey. Front from left: The Rev R Howard, the Rev R Moore, Rev Canon C Easton, Rev Canon J Carson.

On Tuesday June 25, members of the CITI class of 1984 gathered in St Stephen’s Church, Millfield, Belfast, for a service of Holy Communion to celebrate the 40th anniversary of their Ordination to the Diaconate.

They expressed gratitude to the Rt Rev George Davison, Bishop of Connor, for conducting the service and for his very meaningful reflection.

This was the first time some of the group had been together for many years and chatting over coffee, there were many reminiscences and stories of times past.

Those attending the service were grateful of the opportunity to prayerfully remember those who, from an original group of 16 at the college, were unable to attend the celebration, especially remembering colleagues who have sadly passed away and who are fondly remembered, the Rev Jan Taylor and the Rev Sam Barton.

Following the service, the group made their way to the Fitzwilliam Hotel for a meal which was enjoyed by all.

The Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison, with members of the CITI class of 1984.

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