At Immanuel Parish Church, Ardoyne, on June 23 are, from left: The Rev Jim Campbell, the Rev Canon Tracey McRoberts MBE, the Rev Don Gamble, the Rev Adrian Bell, Bishop George Davison, Bishop Trevor Williams and Archdeacon Barry Forde.
Immanuel Parish Church, Ardoyne, held its final service of worship on Sunday June 23.
From the early 1940s, Immanuel Church has been a place of worship, a place of sanctuary and a place that brought the word of God to many people during some difficult times.
The Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison, at the Service in Immanuel Parish Church on June 23.
On June 23, parishioners including Mrs Ina Harvey and Mrs Meta Lucas who began their journey of faith in the original church (now the church hall), along with their families, friends, former clergy and representatives of neighbouring churches and the local community, attended a special service of celebration and thanksgiving to mark the cessation of worship.
Also in attendance on this poignant occasion were the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison; the Archdeacon of Belfast, the Ven Barry Forde; and the Rural Dean, the Rev Canon Tracey McRoberts MBE.
An Act of Thanksgiving took place at each important area within the church building from the font at the back to the Holy Table at the front. The service was led by the Parish Readers, with assistance from members of the Select Vestry and choir.
Rachel Gilliland, Parish Reader and Honorary Secretary of Immanuel Parish Church, said: “Favourite hymns were sung, and tears were shed as we said a fond farewell to our church where memories have been made, and friendships forged.”
Following the service, the congregation and guests were treated to refreshments in the hall which were enjoyed by all.
Lord, now you let your servant go in peace… your word has been fulfilled!
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