Bishop gives talk at Summer Madness before big barbecue

Monday July 1st 2024

Bishop George Davison at the Connor Sub Camp barbecue at Summer Madness with Diocesan Youth Officer Christina Baillie, and the Rev Danielle McCullagh, chair of Connor Youth Council.

The Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison, and the new Bishop of Down and Connor, Bishop Alan McGuckian, led a Summer Madness workshop on Sunday June 30 on the topic of Leading from the Front.

The event was attended by young leaders from across the churches.

Bishop George Davison, and Bishop Alan McGuckian spoke on ‘Leading from the Front’ at Summer Madness.

Bishop George speaking on ‘Leading from the Front.’

Later that evening, Bishop George turned his hand to sizzling sausages when he and other clergy members turned chefs for the Connor Sub Camp Bishop’s Barbecue with 120 young people and a number of invited guests enjoying the meats and salads!

Summer Madness is ongoing in Portglenone – we will have lots more photos to share in due course.





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