The monthly All Ireland Mothers’ Union Service of Holy Communion was held in All Saints Parish Church, Antrim, on Thursday June 6.
Members from all over Connor Diocese were joined by the All Ireland President, June Butler; the Zonal Trustee for Ireland, Iris Suitor; and the Diocesan President of Down and Dromore, Mavis Thompson, for an uplifting service which also celebrated the 90th Anniversary of Mothers’ Union in All Saints’.
The celebrants were the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison, and Archdeacon Stephen McBride, Vicar of All Saints’, Connor Diocesan Chaplain and All Ireland Chaplain for Mothers’ Union.
In his sermon, the Archdeacon spoke about the saying ‘every mickle makes a muckle,’ and encouraged members to continue providing the little things which make such a difference to those in need, such as items for neo natal units and hospital bags.
By doing this work, Mothers’ Union is carrying out the commandment ‘love thy neighbour’ – very often without knowing who that neighbour might be or what their situation is.
Archdeacon Stephen also paid tribute to the branch leaders he had worked with since coming to the parish 25 years ago – Paddy Wallace, Helen McBride, Jennifer Campbell, Sheila Thompson, Sylvia Barton and Sylvia Smyth. All of these ladies contributed to the service in the readings and intercessions which made it a truly memorable evening for all those present.
The All Ireland Holy Communion Service for July was held in St Mary’s Church, Dunmanaway, Cork on July 4.
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