Holiday Bible Club fun at All Saints’, Antrim.
As it is an Olympic year, the theme for All Saints’ Parish Antrim’s Holiday Bible Club was The All Stars, and the parish welcomed back Chris and Ross from ‘Play it By Ear.’
Each evening began with games which were pitched at the different age groups and helped everyone settle into the evening’s activities. Throughout the week the thrust of all the talks and activities was that everyone can be a member of God’s team and that God choses everyone to be a team member. No matter how big or small, old or young, all have a special place on his team
The highlight of each night was meeting Sporty Stu, the archetypal American sports star, who was brash, loud and full of his own sporting excellence, but somehow managed each night to fail to live up to his own hype.
The children were then subdivided into two groups, and each had a time for games, crafts and one of the most popular segments – snacks of crisps, juice and Haribo. Each night concluded with input from favourite friends, Lucy and Bert, learning a memory verse and a closing worship song.
The vicar of Antrim, Archdeacon Stephen McBride, said: “The success of the week and the effectiveness of Play it By Ear’s teaching was evidenced by the numbers of the young people who attended. We began on Monday with 29 young people and still had 29 on our last night.
“Many thanks to Chris and Ross for providing us with a great week’s input and to our team of 17 leaders who came each night. We look forward to welcoming Chris and Ross at our Family Service on Sunday September 15.”
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