Alison Crothers has taken up the role of receptionist with clerical duties at diocesan office.
A new face has joined the Connor team. Alison Crothers has taken up the post of receptionist with clerical duties at diocesan office in Channel Wharf, Titanic Quarter.
Originally from Belfast, Alison moved to Carrickfergus when she married Peter 28 years ago. They have three adult children, Josh (26), Daniel (23), Molly (20), and a dog called Hamish.
The family attends Carrickfergus Church of The Nazarene where Alison is in the praise band and on the Church Board. “Our home church was St Michael’s Church of Ireland on the Shankill Road in Belfast,” Alison explains. “ When the then rector of St Michael’s retired, our children were older and making their own decisions, so Peter and I decided to look for a church closer to home. Our current church is only five minutes away, but our heart will always be in St Michael’s, we still have family there.
“Peter and I go back for the odd service, and we help at the children’s Bible clubs over the summer months.”
Alison has had a varied career, having worked in Insurance, the Ministry of Defence, the Northern Ireland Hospice, Out of Hours GP service, an Integrated Primary School and the Ambulance Service.
“I also volunteer with St John Ambulance as Emergency Ambulance Crew and am also a Cadet Manager,” she said.
“I play badminton in St Michael’s every week. I like to run, I am not very good at it, it’s more of a quick walk, but it is better than sitting on the sofa. I generally run first thing before work, it sets you up for the day!”
Alison also helps out with children and youth work at church and enjoys travel and exploring new things. “Most of my time is spent volunteering in one way or another with St John Ambulance, training or out on duty at concerts, sporting events, community events etc so I am kept busy!”
Alison’s most recent job was with the Ambulance Service, where she worked in the Control Room, but weekend work meant she often missed out on going to church.
“I was losing myself and not getting that teaching or that sense of church community and so I decided to go back to what I knew best,” she said. “I prayed about it and asked for God’s guidance. I saw this post advertised and knew I had to go for it, it was a sign. I would be working with people with similar views and principles as myself and I would also get to go to church each week.”
She had also got to know Bishop George when they were on the same pilgrimage tour last year in Israel. “If his staff were as nice, then I knew I would be ok working in the Diocesan Offices, and here I am,” she said.
“It is early days, but I am settling in well. Everyone is very friendly and helpful. I am getting to learn people’s names, although I still forget sometimes and have to ask, but no one minds! Anyone can call or ring in and introduce themselves any time. I am looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead but I know I will get all the help and encouragement I need.”
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