The Very Rev John Bond presents Audra Irvine with a Connor plaque.
Our former colleague, Mrs Audra Irvine, who worked in administration in Church House from October 1986 until she took medical retirement in July 2020, said she was delighted to receive the gift of a Connor plaque.
The plaque, which features the Connor Crest, was presented to Audra by the Very Rev John Bond, former Dean of Connor, who regularly visits Audra to keep her up to date with goings-on across the diocese.
Audra began her career when diocesan office was based in Talbot Street, Belfast, where she worked on marriage licences, and she was part of what she calls ‘the big move’ to the former News Letter building in Donegall Street more than 30 years ago.
Prior to retirement, Audra was Connor Diocese’s Synods and Committees Officer, and she says she has fond memories of her years in diocesan administration.
She enjoys catching up on all the latest from the diocese in Connor Connections. “I was delighted to get the plaque and am going to get it engraved,” Audra said.
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