Category Archives: News

Lambeg celebrates ‘Lord of the Harvest’

Wednesday September 5th 2012

Lambeg Parish Church will host a Harvest flower festival from October 5 – October 8, designed and co–ordinated by floral artist Alan Beatty. The festival will be open from 7pm–9pm on Friday October 5, with previewing for those with special…

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Ordinations in Connor Diocese

Wednesday September 5th 2012

The Bishop of Connor is asking that prayers be offered in the Churches of the Diocese for those to be Ordained in the next few days. The Deacon Intern Ordination will take place at 11am on Sunday September 9 2012…

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Quiet Day

Tuesday September 4th 2012

The Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer in Ireland is hosting a Quiet Day at Drumbo Parish Church, Bellylesson Road, Belfast, on Saturday September 15. The Witness is Nuala Dudley and there will be two exercises in the course of the event,…

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Campaign for ‘Discount Day’ for pensioners

Wednesday August 8th 2012

Age Sector Platform has launched the Silver Saver Campaign calling on food retailers to introduce a ‘Discount Day’ for pensioners. The charity says that nine out of 10 people in Northern Ireland are worried about the cost of their food…

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‘Slowing Down to Meet Yourself’

Wednesday August 8th 2012

A one–day retreat for those who work or care for people with mental health issues will take place at the Corrymeela Centre on September 18. Entitled ‘Slowing Down to Meet Yourself,’ the retreat will seek to explore aspects of self–care…

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