From Monday August 1 to Friday August 5 the Annual Holiday Bible Week Conference will be held in Portrush Presbyterian Church (kindly granted).
The morning Bible Study (Mon – Fri) starts at 10:30am in the main church. The morning guest speaker is Pastor Alan Wilson. There will also be brief reports from those involved in the Lord’s work. During these meetings there will be crèche facilities for preschool children and a Children’s Club for children and young people up to 14 years.
The evening Gospel meetings (Mon – Fri) commence at 7:30pm in the main church and the guest speaker will be the Rev Hugh Mullan. These meetings will also include people sharing their faith and short reports from those involved in the Lord’s work. A full programme of activities for the Children’s Club will also take place during the evening meetings.
If you are unable to get to a particular meeting, all meetings are recorded and copies can be ordered at the bookstall.
Other activities and events have been organised throughout the week for everyone including BBQs, beach activities, football, water sports and coasteering. A full programme of the days and times of each activity can be picked up at the church.
The Conference is open to everyone, so if you are in the north coast area during August 1- 5 please call and visit as you will be made most welcome at any of the meetings and events planned.
Rev Hugh McMullan
Growing up on the family farm outside Ballymena, my life
revolved around church and farming. At 17 years of age I was saved by God’s grace and thereafter called by God into gospel ministry. My privilege and joy has been to preach the scriptures and see people getting saved and growing in Christ.
I have had the honour of being the minister in Castledawson and Curran, Drumbo, and Drumreagh and Dromore Presbyterian Churches. Now retired, I still take every opportunity afforded to me to open God’s Word and preach the gospel. Married to Deirdre with 3 sons, 2 daughter-in-laws and now 5 grandchildren.
Pastor Alan Wilson
Alan Wilson has over 20 years of pastoral experience – in Switzerland and in Portstewart. He is currently working towards a Doctor of Ministry degree at the Irish Baptist College. He is an associate tutor at Belfast Bible College and has also taught at Irish Baptist College. He is married to Pauline who works at BBC and is involved in biblical counselling; they have two married daughters.
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