The September Prayer Walk facilitated by the North Belfast Centre of Mission will take place at Belfast Docks on Monday September 11.
This will be a great opportunity to get alongside and support the Rev Colin Hall-Thompson, Chaplain to the Mission to Seafarers. This ministry provides pastoral support and care for the crews of the many ships that frequent Belfast from all round the world.
Anyone interested in taking part in the walk should meet at the Docks (directions below) at 7.30pm to pray and speak blessing over this ministry and the area and then come back after the walk for a cup of tea.
The Mission to Seafarers’ Flying Angel Centre is situated in Corry Road at main gate to the port. Come under M2 flyover (Dock Street) opposite Cityside Shopping Centre and the building is directly ahead on right beside port gate. Turn right off Dock Street, just short of the centre and then immediately left (Princess Dock Street). There is usually plenty of space to park in the evenings.
Connor evangelists Stephen Whitten and Karen Webb extend a warm welcome to join this Prayer Walk.
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