CIYD is partnering with the Methodist Church to run an event called ‘Youth and Children’s Ministry: a whole-church perspective’ which is open to Clergy and those involved in youth and children’s ministry.
An invite from John Alderdice from Edgehill:
As a church we are committed to encouraging all people to grow in their discipleship and further develop their ministry skills. This year Edgehill Theological College has joined forces with the youth and children’s department to provide continuing ministry development days for ordained ministers, probationers, lay workers and youth workers employed in any capacity within the church.
One of these days is being organised in partnership with CIYD and to that effect we would like to extend an invitation to you as clergy within the Church of Ireland church to join us for that day. Your youth and children’s workers have also been invited.
The day is titled Youth and children’s work: A whole church perspective and will focus on how the whole church can pass on faith to the next generation along with the set aside youth and children’s leaders, and what that means for clergy and those who work with young people and children.
The date is Thursday February 25 in Edgehill Theological College, 9 Lennoxvale, Belfast, BT9 5BY
Tea and coffee is available form 9.30am. The day runs from 10am-3.30pm.
To register, email
Please do consider putting this date in your diary. We would love to see you there.
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