A Day of Prayer for South Sudan will take place in Ballyrashane Parish, Connor Diocese, this Saturday, April 29, from 10am to 2pm.
This is the second in a series of prayer events organised by CMSI to give people the opportunity to pray for our partners in South Sudan, where there is ongoing conflict and famine.
Just last month, Bishop Hilary of Yei appealed to the Diocese of Connor to support the people from his diocese both trapped in Yei town and trying to survived and educate their children in huge refugee camps.
The two dioceses have been in partnership for almost 10 years, and the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, has been on one of the many teams to visit Yei before the outbreak of the current conflict.
CMSI’s first prayer day was held in Dromore Cathedral April 8. These are drop in events with prayer stations and an opportunity to write personal messages and prayers into ‘Books of Blessing,’ one for Yei and one for Maridi, partner dioceses in South Sudan.
CMSI is planning another key South Sudan event on May 19 at 7.30pm. Taking place in the Grosvenor Hall, Belfast, this will be an evening of information about the current crisis with a question and answer panel for anyone wanting to engage with the current situation.
Bishop Anthony Poggo, formerly of Kajo Keji Diocese, but now Adviser for Anglican Communion Affairs at Lambeth, will give the keynote address.
The Dean of Belfast, the Very Rev John Mann, presents a Black Santa cheque for £5,000 to David Thomas of Christian Aid for humanitarian relief in South Sudan.
Earlier this month, the Dean of Belfast, the Very Rev John Mann, made a donation of £5,000 from Black Santa funds to Christian Aid for humanitarian work in South Sudan. This was in addition to a Black Santa donation of £7,000 in March, also for aid in South Sudan.
You can make a donation to CMSI’s Yei Appeal here. You can also donate to South Sudan via Christian Aid and Bishops’ Appeal.
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