The General Synod of the Church of Ireland is underway in the Armagh City Hotel, Armagh.
Synod runs from Thursday May 10 to Saturday May 12 at the Armagh City Hotel. The Synod Eucharist took place in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh, at 10.30am on Thursday (Ascension Day) and the preacher was the Rt Rev John McDowell, Bishop of Clogher.
In his sermon, Bishop McDowell said: “The General Synod is one of the distinctive means whereby we exercise the gifts of discernment and government which the ascended Lord gives to His Church for the building up of the Kingdom … For Anglicans, there is certainly immense spiritual importance in considering any liturgical provision because our corporate worship is not only the expression, but also the source, of our belief. Our lives out there are shaped by what we do and say and receive in here. And what could be more expressive of the compassion of God than the consideration of a pastoral office for use in the heart-breaking circumstances of a miscarriage or a stillbirth or a neonatal death? Or a debate about how we can best use our investments to care for His creation.”
Download Bishop McDowell’s full sermon..
Over the coming three days, elected clergy and lay members along with the Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of Ireland will consider a range of Bills and Motions and receive the reports of a number of Church committees.
Throughout the next three days reports and information, including a summary of business done, will be posted daily during Synod on the Synod website:
There will be an audio broadcast during Synod and a Twitter feed using the hashtag #coigs. This hashtag will also be used for Facebook and Instagram as well as other social media outlets.
On the following days, the Synod will begin in the conference centre at 10.00am. Business will finish at 6.30pm on Thursday and 6pm on Friday and is scheduled to finish at 4.30pm on Saturday.
Each morning begins with a short act of worship, which this year will be led by the Revd Canon Shane Forster, Rector of Ballymore and Executive Chaplain to the Archbishop of Armagh.
Dwnload the Archbishop of Armagh’s Presidential Address which was delivered on Thursday at 12 noon.
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