Category Archives: News

Sinn Fein decision on policing weclomed

Wednesday January 31st 2007

The Rt Rev Alan Harper, Bishop of Connor and Archbishop-Elect of Armagh, and fellow Bishops have welcomed Sinn Fein’s decision to support policing in Northern Ireland. The follows Sinn Fein’s Ard Fheis on January 28 when, after a seven-hour debate,…

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Fantastic response to Men’s Society appeal

Tuesday January 30th 2007

An appeal for clothing and other items to help improve the lives of disabled children and their mothers in a Russian orphanage received a fantastic response. Members of Agherton Parish Men’s Society, Portstewart, who only launched their appeal on the…

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Edinburgh link signed at Christingle Service

Tuesday January 30th 2007

Sunday January 21 was a day to remember at the Church of St John the Baptist, Agherton Parish, Portstewart The Annual Christingle Service was held, with the preacher The Rev Jan Mullin, Gracehill Moravian Church  – the Christingle originates in…

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World Leprosy Day Service

Tuesday January 30th 2007

The annual service of thanksgiving for the work and witness of the Leprosy Mission Northern Ireland was held in Lisburn Cathedral on Sunday January 28. The Rev Canon Sam Wright, Rector of Lisburn Cathedral, conducted the service and the preacher…

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New Testament is focus of Theological Lectures at Queen’s

Thursday January 25th 2007

Lecturer at this year’s annual Church of Ireland Theological Lectures at Queen’s University, Belfast, is Professor Richard Bauckham, Professor of New Testament Studies at St Andrew’s. Under the umbrella title of ‘The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony: New Reflections,’ Professor Bauckham…

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Chaplaincy initiative at university campuses

Wednesday January 24th 2007

A custom-made version of Mark’s Gospel has been produced in an initiative aimed at introducing or re-introducing students at the University of Ulster in Jordanstown and Belfast to Jesus. The 4,500 Gospels, with specially designed cover and style, have been…

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World Leprosy Day Service

Tuesday January 23rd 2007

World Leprosy Day 2007 is Sunday January 28 and the main World Leprosy Day Service for The Leprosy Mission Northern Ireland will be held in Lisburn Cathedral.  The Rev Canon Sam Wright, rector, will conduct the service and the preacher…

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Lisburn marks Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Tuesday January 23rd 2007

A special service was held in First Lisburn Presbyterian Church on Sunday January 21 as part of a ‘Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.’ The Service was organised by the Lisburn City Centre Ministers’ Fellowship, which comprises of ministers from…

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