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Prestigious Welsh choir to perform in Glenarm

Tuesday September 8th 2009

As an extensive repair programme at St Patrick’s Church, Glenarm, reaches it final stage, the Fundraising Team is delighted to announce that a very special concert will be held in the church on September 18. Through the auspices of Larne…

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CD to help people pray for those with cancer

Friday September 4th 2009

Brother David Jardine, director of Divine Healing Ministries, has brought out a CD ‘Praying for those with cancer.’  David has been involved in the ministry of divine healing since 1972, so he puts a wealth of experience into this CD. …

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Pastoral Care in a Mission Context

Thursday September 3rd 2009

Connor Diocese is running another series of seminars introducing pastoral visiting. The course, Pastoral Care in a Mission context – An introduction to Pastoral Visiting – will commence on September 30, running from 7.30pm – 9.30pm each evening, continuing on…

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An invitation to Quaker Quest

Tuesday September 1st 2009

After 350 years of quiet existence in Ireland, Quakers have decided to make themselves better known through a series of informal gatherings in Belfast. Quaker Quest will be run on four successive Wednesday evenings, starting on September 30. The gatherings…

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Entire St Paul’s team now in Kajiado

Tuesday September 1st 2009

The first group of parishioners from St Paul’s, Lisburn, who travelled to Kajaido Diocese in Kenya on August 21 are now well settled and getting to know the area, its churches and its people. They were joined by a second…

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