Category Archives: News

Olympic torch to light up All Saints’ Fete

Wednesday June 6th 2012

Paralympics gold medalist and Olympic torchbearer Dianne McMillan is to open the parish fete at All Saints’, Craigyhill. With the whole country going Olympics crazy, the people of Craigyhill and Antiville are invited to join in the sporting fun at…

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Quiet Day for Connor clergy

Saturday June 2nd 2012

Clergy from across Connor Diocese attended a Quiet Day in St Peter’s Parish Church, Antrim Road, Belfast, on Thursday May 31. The day was organised by the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, and the speaker was the…

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60th Anniversary Celebrations in Cloughfern

Friday May 25th 2012

The Church of the Ascension, Cloughfern Parish, celebrated its 60th Anniversary at a special event held on Thursday May 17. Members were joined by former clergy, parishioners and friends for a thanksgiving service in the church, followed by supper in…

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Vision Strategy meeting in Ballymena

Friday May 25th 2012

St Patrick’s, Ballymena, hosted the fourth in the series of Rural Deanery meetings taking place across Connor Diocese as part of the Vision Strategy process. Parishioners and members of the Select Vestry from Ahoghill and Portglenone; Armoy, Loughguile and Drumtallagh;…

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