Category Archives: News

Appointment of new Canon of St Anne’s

Tuesday October 23rd 2007

The Rev Neil Cutcliffe, rector of Mossley Parish, has been appointed a Canon of St Anne’s Cathedral by the Bishop of Connor. Mr Cutcliffe will replace the Rev Canon Kathleen Brown who retired in September, as one of four Connor…

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Malone farewell to Bishop and Mrs Poyntz

Wednesday October 17th 2007

A 20-year relationship was recognised on Sunday October 14 when St John’s Parish, Malone, hosted a special service for Bishop Samuel Poyntz and his wife Noreen. The couple arrived in Malone in 1987 when the Bishop was translated from Cork…

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Ghosts of Abu Ghriab at ISE

Wednesday October 17th 2007

The HBO documentary, Ghosts of Abu Ghraib, will be screened at the Irish School of Ecumenics, 683 Antrim Road, Belfast, on Tuesday October 23 at 7 pm. The film is being shown in conjunction with the National Religious Campaign Against…

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Hard Gospel launches Good Samaritan Course

Tuesday October 16th 2007

Following on from the success of the ‘Loving your Neighbour’ course used in parishes across the island last Lent, the Hard Gospel Project is launching the Good Samaritan course which is designed to encourage churches to reflect on their responses…

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Ageability Committee publishes report on Dementia

Tuesday October 16th 2007

The Ageability Committee of Connor Diocese has produced a report on the topic of Dementia, which was launched at Diocesan Synod on October 11. Entitled “Ageing Minds – Caring Church?” the report aims to broaden people’s understanding of the condition….

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Dressing down for Jeans for Genes Day

Wednesday October 10th 2007

Staff at Church of Ireland House had an excuse to dress down on Friday October 5 when the donned their jeans for ‘Jeans for Genes’ Day. The annual campaign urges everyone to make an impression on the lives of children…

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St Columba’s reflects on three decades

Wednesday October 10th 2007

Parishioners of the award winning St Columba’s, Ballymena, have been reflecting on more than three decades of worship since the Doury Road building was officially opened on June 25, 1975. As the anniversary passed, six of the church’s original foundation…

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Portrush venue for Connor Diocesan Synod

Tuesday October 9th 2007

The new Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, will preside at his first Diocesan Synod on Thursday October 11. Three hundred and fifty guests from Connor’s 77 parishes are expected to attend the annual Synod which takes place…

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