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Pilgrims visit Bethlehem

Saturday March 26th 2011

The Connor pilgrims in the Holy Land visited the birthplace of Jesus in Bethlehem on the fifth day of their trip, Saturday March 26. They began their day with a visit to Mount Zion and the Church of St Peter…

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Pilgrims walk the Via Dolorosa

Thursday March 24th 2011

The Connor pilgrims have walked the route that Christ followed as he carried the cross to his death. On their second day in the Holy Land, the 85 pilgrims climbed through the narrow Via Dolorosa, lined today with market stalls…

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£12,000 presented for aid work in Japan

Friday March 18th 2011

Belfast Cathedral presented cheques totalling £12,000 to representatives of Christian Aid and Rotary International for immediate use in Japan on Friday March 18. The cheques were received by Deborah Doherty of Christian Aid-Ireland, and David Lowry of Portadown Rotary Club….

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