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Curry in a Hurry still a hit with students

Wednesday October 28th 2009

Connor Mothers’ Union’s popular cookbook Curry in a Hurry is now in its 7th year. MU representatives attended the Freshers’  Fair  at  Queen’s University, Belfast  on   September 30  to  distribute  around  3,000  copies  of  Curry  in  a  Hurry  to  first …

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St Stephen’s, Millfield, celebrates 140 years

Friday October 23rd 2009

Church of Ireland Primate Archbishop Alan Harper is the guest preacher at a special service to celebrate the 140th anniversary of the parish of St Stephen, Millfield, Belfast, on Sunday October 25. Following the 11.30am service, Archbishop Harper will join…

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Churches Together meeting in Dunmurry

Wednesday October 21st 2009

On Tuesday October 22 the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, addressed a group of people gathered together from four churches in the Dunmurry area –  the Church of Ireland, the Presbyterian, the Non-Subscribing Presbyterian and the Roman…

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St Mark’s Mothers’ Union celebrates 50 years

Wednesday October 21st 2009

The members of St Mark’s, Ballymacash, Mothers’ Union celebrated their 50th anniversary on Sunday October 18 in the context of the Harvest Festival and Thanksgiving for the successful completion of St Mark’s recent Stewardship Renewal Programme, Forward in Faith. The Inaugural…

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Autumn Connor Connections now available

Tuesday October 20th 2009

The October issue of the diocesan magazine Connor Connections is now available free to all parishioners. There is a strong sense of mission running through this issue, with articles on a variety of mission trips abroad, including the Bishop of…

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