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New incumbent appointed to Dunmurry Parish

Wednesday February 20th 2008

The Reverend Denise Acheson, Curate Assistant of the Parish of Ballyholme, in the Diocese of Down and Dromore, has been appointed as Incumbent of the Parish of Dunmurry.  Denise has been curate assistant since July 2005. She has three children,…

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Queen to distribute Royal Maundy in Armagh

Tuesday February 5th 2008

Buckingham Palace has announced that the Queen, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, is to distribute the Royal Maundy in St Patrick’s Church of Ireland Cathedral, Armagh, on Thursday March 20. This is the first time the Office for the…

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Fancy your chances on Mastermind?

Friday February 1st 2008

BBC Mastermind is currently in the process of trying to recruit contestants for this year’s series! The programme will be holding open auditions in at BBC Broadcasting House in Belfast on Monday February 11 and Tuesday February 12. Programme makers…

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Black Santa Sitout raised £260,000

Wednesday January 30th 2008

More than 170 charities and community groups will be represented at “The Good Samaritans’ Service” in the St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, on Sunday February 3 at 3.30pm. At the service donations from the 31st annual pre-Christmas ‘Black Santa’ sitout for…

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