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Glencairn teens recall holocaust horrors

Tuesday January 8th 2008

Photos by the Rev Ken Houston. A visit to former Nazi concentration camps has allowed teenagers from north Belfast to witness at first hand the horrors hatred can unleash. Their investigations gave rise to a moving exhibition on the holocaust…

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Updated book launched at Agherton

Tuesday January 8th 2008

Agherton Parish was the venue for the recent launch of a book entitled 'A Short Catechism of Basic Church Teaching.' Written by the Very Rev Victor G Griffin, the book includes an appendix by the Rev Niall Sloane (former Curate…

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Carols tradition revived at St Matthew’s

Wednesday January 2nd 2008

Over Christmas, St Matthew’s, Shankill, revived a tradition of a carol service, adapted to changing times.  In the days when St Matthew’s had a parish choir the equal of any in Belfast, the service of Nine Lessons and Carols was…

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Bishop visits projects in Shankill

Friday December 21st 2007

The Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, stepped into the lives of the people of the Shankill when he was shown round the area by the Shankill Community Council. The Bishop was accompanied by the Ven Barry Dodds, Archdeacon of…

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Santa visits Church of Ireland House

Friday December 21st 2007

Santa Claus called into Church of Ireland House in the run up to Christmas to say thanks to hard working members of staff for the excellent job they have done over the past year. He is pictured presenting Christmas gifts to…

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