Author Archives: karen

Bishop of Connor’s 2015 Lent Series

Bishop of Connor’s 2015 Lent Series

Wednesday January 21st 2015

Places can now be booked for the Bishop of Connor’s 2015 Lent Series which this year focuses on Effecting Change. This is the third stand of the diocesan Vision Strategy, and the Bishop, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, has spoken…

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Lessons in telling Bible stories in Christ Church

Lessons in telling Bible stories in Christ Church

Friday January 16th 2015

Jill Hamilton, Connor Children’s Project Officer, led an interactive evening on Telling Bible Stories at Christ Church Parish, Lisburn, on January 13. Jill provided resources from her experience, website links and books, and those in attendance got involved in telling a…

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Nepal team attends church in Leprosy colony

Nepal team attends church in Leprosy colony

Wednesday January 14th 2015

The team from Connor Diocese, currently in Nepal, have attended church in a Leprosy colony.  They trekked from Kathmandu into the countryside to reach the church, crossing a terrifying suspension foot bridge with great trepidation, only to witness an older…

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